New Programme Now Available!
Sets & Reps Mums Online
£199.00 or Programme Pricing Plan
Sets and Reps Mums Postnatal Power
£199.00 or Programme Pricing Plan
Online Programmes
Sets & Reps Mums
This is an 8 week online postnatal programme for mums that want to start or return to exercise after having a baby. Women’s bodies go through a lot of change throughout pregnancy and this programme is the first step in your postnatal exercise journey guiding you through appropriate exercise to safely and effectively rehab, gain strength and get functionally fit.
Postnatal Power
Looking for the next step in your postnatal exercise? Then this programme is for you. Progression is so important for building strength and fitness and we need strength to continue to lift and carry children and their bikes etc! Also muscle mass starts to decline after the age of 30 so strength training is essential to maintaining muscle let alone gaining it! Plus what a great example we can set for our children for them to see that exercise is a normal part of your life, especially women lifting weights and being strong.