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Why I don't post before and after pictures

Writer: Chantelle PalmerChantelle Palmer

  1. There is so much to exercise other than how it makes you look. Strength training for example can benefit women's health in so many ways that is not necessarily visible from the outside. e.g. feeling strong, confidence, less anxious, high from endorphins, social aspect or time out from everyday living, self-efficacy, empowered. the list goes on and other than a smile on someone's face you may not see this from a front, side, back image.

  2. This also feeds into the comparison game which is an unhealthy one. Body shaming the before picture when there is nothing wrong with that body. What if that body looks a bit like yours? What happens when that person ends up looking like that again (which is usually inevitable). These all feed into unhealthy thoughts of not only the person the images are of but also onlookers. Your body image may be a product of what you are working towards, but it is not your worth!

  3. Lots of these pictures that you see are built on unsustainable plans that restrict certain food groups and an amount of exercise that is unachievable in the long run. If you asked one of these people if they are still following that plan, I bet they're not. Do they still look like that? Probably not. And most of all did it bring you happiness?

  4. Sadly the media and the fitness industry has led us into this unhealthy way of looking at our bodies, exercise and what is deemed as "healthy". We are all different, different genetics, body types, lifestyles and it's about making things work for YOU to bring YOU happiness and that will look different for everyone.

  5. Some amazing goals you can work on instead of body image are PB's in whatever you find enjoyable. Increase weights, reps, sets, time or amount of exercise/ activity over the week. Measure how you are feeling on a scale of 1-10. These can be much more empowering and sustainable goals to work towards.

If you want some help in setting goals or want to try a class, programme or personal training session, get in touch.


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